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About Naka Graphics

We are often asked questions about copyright in design production, so we would like to share our thoughts at Naka Graphics.

We hope that you will find this information useful when making requests or enquiries.

If we transfer the copyright, you will be able to freely modify and use the design data we give you, but depending on your purpose, you may be able to use the design data without transferring the copyright.

When we design and create logos or web comps, we basically consider this to include a transfer of copyright.

We also set prices for other items such as flyers and brochures that include copyright transfer, but we offer half-price services to clients who only submit data.

As long as the client is happy to use the design within the scope of the agreement with the designer (us), they can own and use the design (data) without having it transferred to them.

In our design production, we consider the scope of what can be permitted without copyright transfer to be as follows.

Printing design data

You can use the design data for unlimited printing.

Distribution of printed materials

You can distribute and distribute printed materials made from the design data for an unlimited period of time.

Featured in PR media

It is possible to post the design data on PR media such as websites.

If you agree to the above, this will be considered an agreement between the client and us.

If you are happy to use the design data within the above scope, you may do so without transferring the copyright.
There is no need to obtain permission for each of the above.

Transferring copyright allows you unlimited free use, but in return for a high fee. However, if you would like to use the content within the scope of the agreement rather than transferring it, we can halve the fee by providing you only with data that is difficult to edit, such as the submission data.

If you have any other requests, such as how you would like to use the service, we would appreciate it if you could let us know, as we can add them to the scope of the agreement after consultation. We accept requests via messages, so please feel free to contact us.

About moral rights of authors

Only the "copyright (ownership)" can be transferred, not the "moral rights of the author." This is stipulated by law, so please be aware of this.

There are three types of "moral rights": the right to publish, the right to display the author's name, and the right to maintain the integrity of the work.

If the contract includes a clause not to exercise the "moral rights of the author," the contract will take precedence; however, if the infringement of our moral interests is significant, we will consider taking legal action.

We would appreciate your understanding.

If you have any questions, please contact us by message. We will respond to you to the best of our ability.

(C) 2024 NAKA GRAPHIC. All rights reserved.

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